Viral Videos

What We Do

Generate substantial publicity whilst getting your brand message out quickly and inexpensively using our well-planned viral video services. Trendy virals create a social media buzz and easily integrate with your other promotional channels.

By partnering with us, you can exploit virals to:

  • Proactively gain immediate audience reach as well as long-term web traffic for your brand.
  • Create the perfect viral recipe that evokes engaging conversation around your organization.
  • Convey your brand values in a funny and entertaining manner thereby retaining top-of-the-mind recall.
  • Accelerate the speed at which your brand message is not only viewed but also shared amongst peers.

Other Services

Corporate Films

Meticulously conceived corporate audio-visuals that complement your sales and marketing campaigns whilst offering a high ROI.

Viral Videos

Funny, quirky yet informative virals that speed up the pace at which your company’s message is viewed and shared online.

Graphic Design

Captivating and high-impact visual graphic design and marketing collaterals that help your brand gain a greater mileage.

Product Folio

Instructive, entertaining, and engaging visual product portfolios that boost conversion and enhance your brand’s reputation.


‘Slice of life’ documentaries and short-form narratives on social, environmental, and cultural issues you feel strongly about.


Eye-pleasing animated videos that appeal to a broader age group and leave a lasting impression about your business or brand.